Risk of sewer sludge polymer processing
Asahi Shimbun 8/12/2012, 13, was entitled 土go and polymer processing to trap Prometheus in the 14th.
According to this article, including Kanagawa Prefecture regional water companies of four municipalities 'sludge containing radioactive cesium in polymer and coating granular backfill it, are reused as raw material"is.
Yamada, Megumi said, originator of this technology see never even buried underground sludge contaminated with radioactive materials, polymer processing radioactive substances leak into groundwater, and the sludge from purification plants and employs this technology to municipalities suffering from treatment of sewage sludge.
However, the questions may be wrapped in polymer, polymer loses connectivity due to radiation and radioactive substances spilled outside into not mentioned at all.
Destroy bonding of polymers emits its own radiation processed polymer and was buried in the soil radioactive caesium contains sludge is spreading radioactive substances into groundwater, contaminate the groundwater zone. Then there are further supplied to households from a water pipe leak location into a person's body, causing internal exposure to risk.
Governments will one day soon stop such acts and must get rid of all ecosystems including the national radioactive substances including sludge used as back fill until now to recover from exposure to risk.