Desire early review of radiation except decontamination projects
Contaminated water flows out incident to irrigation canals made by Kyodo news service transmitted to the 7/12/2013 Japan national land development, Cabinet and stricken residents order purchase in 2011-2012, order the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, commissioned by the Government 'radiation except decontamination demonstration model "for serious misconduct, and to expect the national recovery and Japan national acts have to say.
Japan land development whereas NPO Corporation regeneration Hall suffered from the Kyodo interview requests responded, "not qualified to decontamination companies can't keep confidentiality", and on the net like that is published, and should be allowed the whistleblowers for illegal acts, confidentiality compliance blah blah blah is out of the question in this sense.
Except decontamination demonstration project said, not qualify except decontamination project's land development business ethics the missing shall be the business model indicating the direction of future disaster recovery except dyeing business.
Radioactive substances diffused in the area started Fukushima nuclear power plant accident according to the announcement, is in vast amounts of 105京 Bq. In the background like this, the amount of radioactive substances except decontamination demonstration project, except decontamination project have now been withdrawn, by the decontamination didn't make clear. Should be obliged to disclose the radiation amount originally, people bear the stricken residents and business expenses against recovered as a result of the business except decontamination.
Land development is that most of the radiation dose of the houses and road cleaning contaminated water 200 and was under Bq/L. Proof of the thing did not have the technology to wash decontamination if this is true, just said.
Has been done in a roped-off area except decontamination demonstration project took place in the 0/2011 high doses of radiation and has been, also was conducted during the 10 months since the accident in which this business. As a result, the land development except decontamination water discharged most radiation dose is 200 and Bq/L was released.
After that, except dyeing Association was established by the strong aspiration for the reconstruction of the stricken inhabitants of the Minami soma City went on its own decontamination empirical tests of Takakura Auditorium in haramachi-Ku, 6/2012 located outside the roped-off area and in the heartland. Except decontamination water arose in the cleaning of the Hall in this experiment, the 1000 is recovered after removal of dyed water purification treatment beyond the Bq/L radioactive substances including residual difference of 10万 radiation dose greater than Bq/kg in and the results came out.
Takakura Auditorium, except dyeing empirical model business area radiation dose is lower than in radiation contaminated water the wash was recovered, except decontamination efficiency of high precision except decontamination method went except dyeing Association revived devastated residents recorded higher than the results of decontamination technology of the leading general contractors of radiation dose from aspiring early reconstruction decontamination contractors for more than you became clear.
Needless to say, a lower level of decontamination technologies, and except decontamination business to general contractor profit-oriented order should be reviewed immediately. To enable reconstruction of the earliest land needs in affected areas can manage the quantity of radioactive substance demands sincerity and conviction of decontamination see stricken residents aimed at reconstruction of the hometown to look for, except recovery infects the technical construction, excluding dyeing business transition to will not.
Needless to say that the public bear the stricken residents and excluding decontamination project cost made the orders commissioned special measures law of the decontamination technology companies and local unions, strong demand.
Certain nonprofit activity Corporation playing Hall
Usui, Director k.
Certain nonprofit activity Corporation playing Hall
Environmental Technical Advisor hosobuchi Megumi t.